ECHO News en Calendar

Read the latest news updates, see what activities and events are coming up next, and get an idea of what our year looks like in the annual calendar.

ECHO Calendar

November 7, 2024 – National Conference

The second edition of the National Conference Against Internship Discrimination Higher Education will take place this time at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam. More information will follow soon but you can already register for the event by clicking on the button below.

News updates

Finalists ECHO Award 2023

Finalists ECHO Award 2023

The finalists of the ECHO Award 2023 have been announced. From 28 shortlisted candidates, the jury selected 11 finalists. The winners will be announced at the ECHO Award ceremony on December 7. Winners may attend an all-expense paid summer course at the University of...

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ECHO-UCLA StudyTrip October 2022

ECHO-UCLA StudyTrip October 2022

ECHO-UCLA StudyTrip 2022: making admission, access and excelling in higher education inclusive What does inclusive education look like in practice, in relation to admission, selection, affiliation, transfer and student success? What is the influence of social...

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Final Conference Students-4-Students

Final Conference Students-4-Students

In recent years, ECHO, expertise centre for diversity policy, has coordinated the national Students-4-Students (S4S) campaign on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture & Science. This campaign started in 2017 with the aim of inspiring and supporting higher...

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Wednesday 18 may in-house day @Kearney

Wednesday 18 may in-house day @Kearney

  Ben je benieuwd naar wat het werk als strategic consultant inhoudt en wat je kan verwachten in het sollicitatietraject? Wil je graag meer weten over hoe je jouw studieachtergrond en talent in kunt zetten in het oplossen van complexe vraagstukken? Meld je dan...

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