The ECHO Mentoring Program of 2022- 2023 is starting soon, register now!

26 September 2022

Last week, the offical Kick-Off of the 13th edition of the ECHO Mentoring program took place at the Alliander office in Arnhem! The mentoring program is aimed at advancing equal opportunities in the labor market by connecting professionals with starters. It was nice to see mentees and mentors connecting with each other during the “meet-your-match” activity. Together, we engaged in meaningful conversations about first impressions, lived experiences, and reflections. Overall, it was a successful evening! We wish our mentors and mentees the best of luck on this new learning journey! Go to the following link for the pictures from the Kick-Off and click here for a short impression on Instagram Reels. Save the date: next meeting will be on the 27nd of March at Capgemini Invent Utrecht from 14.30 – 17.00 hours! Plenary Program During the program there will be four meetings:
Introductory meeting- mentees October/ November 2022 Introductory meeting (1.5 hour): Online via Zoom We will be meeting online via zoom to get to know you and your peers for the mentoring program.
Kick-off meeting- mentees and mentors 17th of January 2023 15.00 – 18.00 Kick-off meeting (2 hours): Alliander Arnhem During the Kick-off meeting we meet with all participating mentors and mentees. We will tell you more about the mentoring program and take you through how diversity and inclusion can be shaped in a professional context. Afterwards there is still room to get to know your mentor more closely and the first appointments will be scheduled.
Intervision meeting- mentees and mentors 27nd of March 2023, 14.30 – 17.00 Intervision meeting (1.5 hour): Capgemini Utrecht During the intervision meeting, you and your mentor and fellow mentors and mentees from the relevant organization will be present to discuss the progress of the mentoring program. * Final classification depends on the final link with your mentor and the associated organization.
Closing meeting- mentees and mentors June 2023 Closing meeting (2 hours): physical location The mentor program is concluded with your mentor and fellow participants within the specific organization to which you are linked. During the session we discuss the insights gained and we share our best learning moments. * Final classification depends on the final link with your mentor and the associated organization.
One-on-One meetings between mentor and mentee In between the online plenary meetings, we ask you to schedule at least 1 individual appointment per month with your mentor. During these conversations, your learning objectives are central. The responsibility for this lies primarily with you as a mentee, whereby the mentor mainly offers support and guidance.
For information, please contact: Anima Jhagroe-Ruissen or Annejet Lont, contact persons from ECHO: or