Getting comfortable with

the uncomfortable.

Welcome to ECHO, Center for Diversity Policy. Thank you for finding us! We would like to introduce ourselves: we are a non-profit organization with over 30 years of experience, knowledge and expertise on Diversity & Inclusion in (higher) education and the labor market.

Deelnemers mentorprogramma

ECHO ambassadeurs


What we do

At ECHO, we work on various projects and programs, such as the ECHO Mentoring Program, which pairs socially active young people with socially conscious professionals as sparring partners. Additionally, we support the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment and the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science in addressing internship discrimination in higher education. Beyond our programs and projects, we also develop custom training and workshops to enhance awareness and competency in the field of Diversity & Inclusion, where our experienced trainers engage participants interactively in theory, policy, and practice. Check the ‘what we do’ section in the menu for our ongoing projects and programs.

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