Our team

Meet the powerhouse behind ECHO. We are committed to driving social impact and fostering inclusivity every step of the way.












Our team is passionate about steering ECHO towards new heights in diversity and inclusion advocacy by:
🔸bringing innovative ideas to life and crafting social change that challenges the status quo.
🔸 continuously seeking new insights and socially conscious ways to shape our strategies and ensure equitable practices.
🔸connecting individuals and organizations, fostering meaningful partnerships, and nurturing a supportive local and global network.
🔸 leading our trainings, programs, and workshops by empowering others with the tools to foster inclusive environments.
🔸 creating opportunities and spaces to celebrate and amplify our community’s voices.
🔸 challenging barriers of exclusion and empowering marginalized communities.

Together (using our unique experiences, knowledges, perspectives, skills, and expertise) we work tirelessly to create a world where everyone’s voice is heard, respected, and valued. We are united by a shared vision of building a more inclusive society where everyone can feel they belong.

Management team

Mary Tupan-Wenno


Executive Director

Pravini Baboeram-Mahes


Senior program manager

Content team

Josefien van Marlen



Glenpherd Martinus


Program manager

Anima Jhagroe-Ruissen

Program manager

Niek Putman



Vicky Pinheiro Keulers

Program manager

Annejet Lont​


Program manager

Khaled Tamimy 

Program manager

Support team

Laura Quintero-Soekarnsingh

Communication support

Davita Tupan



Karthika Cobben


Program support

Ilana Tupan

