ECHO Award 2023 finalists 

Meet the 11 finalists for the 2023 ECHO Award.

During the first jury meeting in September, the jury selected the finalists for the ECHO Award 2023 from 28 nominees. The finalists were selected based on their cover letter. In October, the jury interviews will take place after which the jury will determine the winners of the ECHO Award 2023. The winners will be announced on December 7 during the ECHO Award in Amsterdam at the ceremony at Loyens and Loeff. The winners may attend an all-expense paid summer course at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in the United States in 2024.

There are 11 finalists this year across the ECHO Award HBO, ECHO Award WO, Law & Tax Award and Beta Techniek Award.

Law & Tax Finalists

Beta Techniek Finalists

Universiteit van Amsterdam

Universiteit van Amsterdam

Tilburg University

TU Delft

ECHO Award HBO Finalists

Avans Hogeschool

Hogeschool Utrecht

Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten

ECHO Award WO Finalists

Universiteit van Amsterdam

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Universiteit Utreccht

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam